Are White Cycling Shoes A Bad Idea

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Wearing white cycling shoes can be a fashion statement that makes you feel and look good.  But wearing them isn’t for everyone.  This post will answer the most frequently asked questions about wearing white cycling shoes.

Should you wear white cycling shoes?

The decision to wear white cycling shoes is one of personal preference. As you may be able to guess, white shoes are difficult to keep clean when cycling. If this is not a problem for you, there is no reason not to wear white cycling shoes.

Some cyclists love the look of white shoes and choose them for fashion reasons. Many feel that wearing white cycling shoes gives them a psychological advantage because they “feel faster” when they’re riding.

Although it may be challenging to find the right pair of shoes for cycling, you should make your decision based on factors such as comfort and utility (such as whether the shoes grip well on your bike pedals). Your shoes’ color is lower on the list of features when selecting your shoes, but it certainly is a factor.  You need to think about what you need in a pair of shoes and what you want and make your decision from there.

If you’re still having trouble deciding whether white cycling shoes are for you, the best way to decide might be to just try them out.

What are the pros and cons of wearing white cycling shoes?

There are not many pros and cons of wearing white cycling shoes. The obvious con is that white shoes will get dirty more easily than darker shoes. So the need to clean white shoes on a more frequent basis will be a natural outcome.

The only possible pro of wearing white cycling shoes is that you will look fashionable in them; especially if they match your bib.

You just need to take into consideration what suits you and your feet better.

How do I keep my white cycling shoes clean?

If you’ve decided to buy a pair of white shoes for cycling, you will definitely want to know how to clean them. Here are a few cleaning tips:

  • The best way to clean your bike shoes is to use a soft bristle brush and a cleaning solution.
  • You can clean your bike shoes without chemicals using baking soda and warm water.
  • It’s okay to fully submerge your shoes in water.
  • Take the shoe insoles out and stuff newspaper inside the shoes to speed up the drying process.

Check out this video for step-by-step instructions for cleaning your white shoes:

How To Clean Cycling Shoes [Video]

What can I use to clean my cycling shoes?

You can clean your shoes with very basic products. All you need to clean them is a bucket of water, a soft bristle brush, and dishwashing soap.

In order to clean your shoes, first, you need to fill up a bucket with water. Next, put a little dishwashing soap in the bucket and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, use a soft bristle brush to scrub off the dirt and grime. This process should be done regularly to expand the life of the shoes.

Can I wash my cycling shoes in a washing machine?

You can wash your cycling shoes in a washing machine. There are a few things you can do to get the best results. 

First, scrubbing your shoes before putting them in the machine can help you get better results.

Second, you may want to consider using the gentle cycle on your machine.

Third, do not use hot water during the wash cycle.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to rotate your shoes through the machine several times to ensure that all the dirt gets cleaned out.

Can you clean cycling shoes in a dishwasher?

Washing cycling shoes in a dishwasher may seem like a strange idea.  But, washing cycling shoes in a dishwasher is a great way to clean them, especially if they’re really dirty. And while it may not be as convenient as washing them by hand, it’s still much easier than taking them outside and scrubbing them.

One thing to keep in mind is that washing your shoes in a dishwasher can damage the glue bond if the shoe was manufactured using glue.

So if you want to clean your cycling shoes, but don’t want to deal with the mess, a dishwasher can be a good alternative.

Here are a few tips for washing your cycling shoes in a dishwasher:

  • Turn off the drying cycle;
  • Put the shoes into the machine and wash them upside down;
  • Wash on a cycle designed for fine china

Related Questions

Why do professional cyclists wear white shoes?

There doesn’t appear any rule that requires professional cyclists to wear white shoes. So, for professionals, just like novices, the decision to wear white shoes is one of personal preference. But for pro riders with sponsors, the choice of color is usually based on their sponsor’s preference.


White cycling shoes are a good choice for anyone who wants to wear a light color pair of shoes while riding. White cycling shoes make you look more professional and help you stand out from the crowd. However, wearing white cycling shoes does have its drawbacks. Since white is a lighter color, it tends to get dirty quickly.  So, if you don’t mind spending more time cleaning your cycling shoes, getting a pair of white shoes should be fine.